The Maze

I took the kids to the cornfield maze yesterday. We had a blast! It was homeschool days at the maze, so the cost was greatly discounted and we ended up being completely free! We went with a small group that I got together, some from our church and some of our park friends. To the left is an ariel veiw of our maze. The family that operates it did a really great job with making everything look well kept and seasonal.

Here are the kids in one of the two mini mazes. This one is the "no left turn maze". They did not follow the rules, but they still managed to get out!

Here they are in the actual maze. We went half-way through. The wagon was great in there. It was well maintained and I could have used the stroller.

This is a view of the maze from the bridge. Our group can be seen if you look closely. I just thought that this was really pretty!
We went on a hayride which brought us to the pumpkin patch. It was amazing! I have never seen so many varieties growing in one spot. There were several varieties of orange pumpkins, white pumpkins, gourds of every color and many types of squash. They varied in size and ranged in price from $0.25 to $6.00. The kids were allowed to get out of the trailer and choose as many as their parents would let them pick. Madeline chose a "baby orange pumpkin" for $1.00. She is very proud of this pumpkin and (after convincing her that she could not sleep with it), has found a special spot for it in the kitchen to add to our fall decor!

I encourage all of you to check out the cornfield mazes this year. You can find one near you at . |
That looks like fun. I'm sure you guys had a blast.
But Mom, why can't I sleep with my pumpkin?
I can totally see Madeline wanting to sleep with her pumpkin...and why not? I mean, she's a princess, and who knows if it may decide to change into a fairy tale carriage at night?!
I'm so glad to see you guys plugged in up there and having fun. Maybe if we had fall weather I'd be tempted to take the kids romping in corn, too, but so far, we'd still be in a field of popcorn!
How fun! I'm jealous already since we haven't been yet. Glad that you all had a good time, wish it could've been with us :-(
It's sounding even better, now that we've had our first cool day down here by the equator. So glad that you guys had such a fun time!
We missed you at our rained-in HOPE picnic last night--it was a blast!
Hey! I used some super secret lenses and I think I saw Evelyn still in the maze! We'll be going to our local maze here soon, but I don't think its as big as that one. We sure miss you all, terribly.
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