Birthday Girl
Our sweet Madeline Lea turned 5 on Wednesday. We had a small family birthday party for her on Wednesday and had a "friend" party on Saturday. Her 3 friends, Kaitlyn, Lilly, and Doddie all came. Gran and Grandaddy Hawthorn also made the long drive from San Antonio to join in the celebration! Madeline requested a Strawberry Shortcake party this year and was thrilled with all of the Strawberry Shortcake presents she received. (She also received some great dress-ups from Grammy and Grandpa Judisch, her first "real" piece of jewelry from the McCanns, crafts from the Patricks, and Cinderella stuff from Gran and Grandaddy. Not to mention all the sweet cards from other relatives.)
Neal and I are continuously reminded how fast time goes. It is hard to believe that 5 years ago, we became parents for the first time. It seems as if our children have always been a part of our lives. We want to cherish all these precious moments with them and not rush their growth.
We are so proud of you Madeline! We love you!

(Our camera is acting up, so these shots are not the best, but you get the idea!)