Our New Home
Our overnight stay in Norman was successful and a fun time for Neal and me to get away. My parents came up to stay with the kids, and we drove to Norman early Saturday morning, went rental property hunting and stayed in a bed and breakfast overnight dining in a local Italian hot spot, Othello's, and enjoying apple enchiladas for breakfast Sunday morning. (For those of you wondering about apple enchiladas, they are flour tortillas filled with baked cinnamon and brown sugared apples and cream cheese, baked until crispy with whipped cream on top, yummy!)
We have decided to rent a beautiful 1938 craftsman home which belongs to a professor in the history department who is going to be on sabbatical for the next year (perfect!). It is more room than we know what to do with, but it will be a blessing to stretch out a bit. It is a five minute walk to the university and the next door neighbor is also a professor in the philosophy department. There is even a detached study in the backyard!