Orange in a Sea of Red

We went to the apple orchard today. Unfortunatley, we were between picking dates. So we did not get the best apples, but the kids did not mind and we had fun. Neal was able to join us on this outing - we were so excited to have him with us! All of the children found a few apples to take home. Evelyn, just repeated the word "apples" the entire time we were there. After running through the orchard and picking a few decent apples, we went back to the cafe/bakery and had a snack. Madeline chose an apple brownie which was very good. On the way home, we went to McDonald's. The kids are now all napping after their fun family day. I think that I will join them!
So, the new JFP (Jobs for Philosophers) came out yesterday. That means that the job search for next year is officially on. Neal has already dog-eared several listings that look interesting. There are a couple in Denver that would be nice! So far, Tech is the only Texas option available to him, and we don’t know if he will be getting that. There will be a lot of competition for that position including another visiting guy that Neal is working with this year. (We like him, so there are no hard feelings.) Anyway, pray for Neal as he looks for a job and seeks guidance and wisdom on how to provide for his family.
This is First Presbyterian Church. It is located in the bustling metropolis of downtown Lubbock. Our Church, Providence Presbyterian (PCA) meets here. The building is up for sale and we are renting it for now. There has been talk of us buying it, but that is in the works. It was built in the early 1900's, has a bell tower in the steeple, beautiful stained glass windows and a pipe organ! It is a really neat building and we enjoy worshipping here.
I encourage all of you to check out the cornfield mazes this year. You can find one near you at . |
Every Thursday, I take the kids to legacy play village. We meet some other homeschoolers there and have a picnic. You may think that we are all playing "hookie", but I like to call it "group recess". It is a lot of fun.